10 ideas on how you can pack your gifts

Oct 02, 2022Einladung Store
10 Ideen, wie ihr eure Gastgeschenke verpacken könnt - Einladung Store

A gift for guests can be found on the table at many weddings. This is a small gesture and a thank you for the day spent together. There are many different ideas for gifts for guests. However, the question arises as to how the gift should best be packaged. After all, it should arrive home safe and sound - at least if it is not eaten beforehand. In this article, we present you with 10 ideas on how you can package your gifts for guests.

When it comes to the topic wedding favors you should consider how much time and energy you want to put into the topic. Of course, something completely self-created, such as  personalized cookies as wedding giftt A very nice idea. However, it also involves some effort. Ready-made sets are quicker and easier, such as personalized  My M&M'S®** (advertising).

wrapping a gift

No matter which gift you choose, it should be wrapped in such a way that your guests can easily take it home with them. You have a variety of options for this. No matter which you choose, it should of course be tailored to your gift. Not every gift fits in a glass tube, but maybe in a small tin or a kraft envelope. Below we show you 10 ideas on how you can wrap your gifts. You can discover examples of:

  1. Kraft envelopes
  2. Little Heart
  3. candy jar
  4. glass tubes
  5. Small aviaries
  6. pillow packaging
  7. Small can
  8. Transparent bag
  9. Small bottle
  10. case

To match the ideas we have photos of My M&M'S®** (Advertising)  provided. So don't be surprised if the respective packaging is filled with chocolate chips. You can also fill such packaging with bath salts, spice mixes or other things.

At the candy bar on our own wedding we also had chocolate lentils, among other things. These were an absolute hit! If you find something you like in the following photos, you can order the respective packaging together with personalized My M&M'S® as a set.

Without much effort, you can have a great gift for your guests quickly and easily. With the voucher code "HOCHZEITSLIEBE22" you even get a 20% discount until September 30, 2022. You just have to reach the minimum order value of 60 EUR. Not redeemable on cups, the dispenser, B2B products and shipping costs.

Kleine Tüte als Gastgeschenk-Verpackung
Small bag © My M&M'S®
Spitzbeutel für das Gastgeschenk
Piping bag © My M&M'S®
Reagenzglas für das Gastgeschenk bei der Hochzeit
test tube © My M&M'S®
Kraft-Umschlag zum Befüllen
Kraft envelope © My M&M'S®
Kleine Voliere als Verpackung für das Gastgeschenk
Small aviary © My M&M'S®
Kleine Dose mit Decken für das Gastgeschenk
Small tin © My M&M'S®
Pillow packaging © My M&M'S®
Kleines befüllbares herz
Small fillable heart © My M&M'S®
Glasröhrchen für euer Gastgeschenk
glass tube © My M&M'S®
Mit My MMS befüllte Flasche
Fillable bottle © My M&M'S®
Mit Schokolinsen gefülltes Etui
case © My M&M'S®
Schokolinsen in einer kleinen Bonbonière
Small bonbonnière © My M&M'S®
Bonbon-Glas für das Gasgeschenk
candy jar © My M&M'S®
